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Evolution from Vision to Purpose

Who among us has visions? Clear for a moment, then it evaporates to the demands of a nearby voice or distant car horn. Often never to re-appear.

12 years ago, my sister, Lynne Karli, had a vivid picture of a peculiar building in a calm setting enter her mind that insisted on evolving over many years. Not imposing itself, as if to take command, but just a steady level of unfolding clarity that captivated her interest enough to compel a focused change in the direction, even the purpose, of her life. Not certain as to how, but sensing it was to help people and animals to coexist.

Lynne started out in this life surrounded and comfortable with all creatures. Aided by an animal curious family, she dabbled with them all until time narrowed her concentration on the pack nature of dogs. Finding ease among them led many to ask for help with the connection she effortlessly enjoyed.

Years after that first inner scene, Lynne shared her vision with me which sparked the cooperation of our souls. Together, we cultivated a well-grounded, humanistic enterprise and are pleased to introduce to you the Finding You Sanctuary. We hope you will join us in the evolution of this ride, perhaps even the discovery of your own purpose?

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